
Amazon and Nashville, Match Made


July 2019

Amazon is coming to town soon!  Amazon recently posted an article to their blog page stating what many of us Nashvillians already knew – Amazon and Nashville are indeed a perfect match! The company’s plans to build their eastern U.S. operations center in downtown Nashville are in full effect. This is outstanding news for our city, which will see a direct 5,000 jobs created in fields such as software development, engineering, finance and others. That’s not to mention the thousands more jobs created due to the construction and operation of the site in building services, hospitality and retail. Nashville’s population of highly skilled, creative professionals are a perfect fit for this venture. It may go without saying that this huge influx of jobs created in our city makes for great investment opportunities in our already booming real estate market. Let us at Omni partner with you in making your next smart investment move – Nashville real estate! Click HERE for an overview of our real estate investment services.