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Top 4 Questions Every Nashville Property Management Company You Interview Should Be Able to Answer

July 22, 2020

When you’re looking for Nashville property management, you need to spend a bit of time doing research. Gather referrals from people you trust, read customer reviews online,

Nashville market still moving forward amidst pandemic

June 12, 2020

June 2020

As recently reported in a Greater Nashville Realtors article, current indications are that Nashville's real estate market is still strong despite the overall econonmy's coronavirus-related downturn. Greater Nashville Realtors president, Kristy Hairston, stated, "A key point to remember is the Greater Nashville area is still out producing other large metro areas where so

Vacation home rentals now competing with longer-term rentals due to pandemic

June 12, 2020

May 2020

Realtor.com recently reported that short-term rentals such as Airbnb, VRBO and HomeAway (that have historically been vacation/short-term rentals only) are now being forced to compete in the longer-term rental market due to the coronavirus-related decrease in travel. These companies have taken a huge hit amidst the pandemic crisis, so instead of charging r

Home sales continue to rise despite uncertainty

June 12, 2020

April 2020

A recent article published by Greater Nashville Realtors gives positive indicators of a steady and even growing real estate market. Many locally, and around the country, have wondered how our real estate market would fare during this unprecendented financial crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Early indications now show that there may not be much need for worry,

New eviction rules in Nashville require careful navigation

June 12, 2020

March 2020

The Tennessean recently reported that evictions in Davidson County have been indefinitely suspended due to financial concerns for people who have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. In the article, Sheriff Daron Hall said, "The reality of it is, sometimes you just need to do the right thing. The right t

What Makes a Property Good for Real Estate Investment in Nashville?

March 19, 2020 Nashville is an excellent market for investors who want to buy rental properties. There’s a lot happening in and around the city. The economy is strong and the population is growing. It’s a great time to be a real estate investor, and if you’re thinking about entering the market, we have some advice on how to pick the best possible property.

The Location is Desirable to Tenants

You don’t have to be a wise real estate investor to know that location matters. It matters to buyers

When Should I Hire a Nashville Property Manager?

March 19, 2020 Many people imagine they can easily manage a rental home in their free time. If they have good tenants in place and the home is generally in great condition, then renting out a property seems easy enough. However, you can run into problems and issues that may make professional property management more attractive. Not only does it save you time and money, it also allows you to rely on the expertise of professionals who have been in the business longer. This can result in better tenants, lower

Nashville Property Managers Need to Know these Landlord-Tenant Laws & Regulations

March 19, 2020 Anyone renting out a property in Nashville needs to understand the laws and regulations to which they are bound. We see a lot of landlords make mistakes because they don’t know the law. These mistakes can be expensive. Before you begin looking for a tenant and collecting rent checks, make sure you’re familiar with these laws and requirements. If you’re not sure about the law, make sure to talk to a

How Does Being Pet-Friendly Add Value to my Rental Property? | Nashville Property Management

March 19, 2020 A lot of the rental property owners we talk to are nervous about allowing pets into their property. They worry about property damage and liability. This is understandable. However, it’s rare that the risk of pet outweighs the benefits of allowing tenants to move into your home with their furry family members. Today, we want to share some of the value that you can expect to receive from renting out a pet-friendly property. With a good pet policy and a careful screening process, you can minim

Many Tenants Prefer a Property Management Company | Nashville Landlord Education

March 13, 2020 There are a lot of ways to attract great tenants to your Nashville rental property. You can be sure you’re providing a well-maintained home in a desirable neighborhood. You can keep your rental rate competitive. You can really focus on strategic marketing plans designed to target the renters you want and bring them in to see your home. And, you can work with a professional Nashville property management

Tips for Purchasing Real Estate Investment Properties in Nashville, TN

March 13, 2020 If you’ve decided to invest in Nashville real estate properties, you’ve made a great decision. The market is in great shape, and you will find that the local economy is growing and the housing market is stable. Whether you’re a new investor or an experienced investor buying in Nashville for the first time, we’ve got some tips and advice that we think might help you have a more successful investment experience.

Take a Look at Market Metrics

Every real estate market is different

How to Measure the Financial Success of a Rental Property in Nashville TN

March 13, 2020 Owning a rental property in Nashville can be extremely lucrative and highly profitable. But, it’s also possible to generate some pretty devastating losses, especially if you’re making expensive mistakes without realizing it. It’s important to measure the financial success of your rental property. Knowing exactly where you stand will help you make better decisions. But, how do you measure that succe

Rent Collection Methods in Nashville TN: What are the Best?

March 13, 2020 Collecting rent is a critical part of your investment strategy as a landlord. Your cash flow and your return on investment depend on the timely collection of rent from your tenants every month. If you’ve done a good job screening tenants and you have a good relationship in place with open communication, you shouldn’t have any problem getting your rent paid on time. We have found that offering your tenants mu

Rising Home Values in Nashville Suburbs

March 6, 2020

February 2020

A recent article from The Tennessean indicates that not only is Nashville growing at an unprecedented rate, surrounding suburbs are also experiencing tremendous growth. Sumner County, to the northeast of Nashville, and also home to Omni's offices, saw an increase in 2019 of more than $22,000 for si

Nashville: Most-Changed Metro of the 2010’s

January 30, 2020

January 2020

Nashville's unprecendeted growth in the 2010's has it topping the list of the nation's most-changed metros of the last decade, according to a recent report from ApartmentList.com. Nashville has been in the nationwide spotlight more than ever in the past 10 years due to its housing market boom and huge influx of new residents. The announcement of Amazon's plans to build its new e

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